Saturday, 21 April 2018

My 6 favourite images

1) I think this is a good image of my model because she looks very similar to the original image. She looks very powerful , just like how I intended. Also, her make up is subtle yet strong, because her cheek bones are very defined but she has very little eye make up, just like the original. However, I would say her chin is slightly too high because although it makes her look powerful, it isn't what the original image looks like. The model in the original image has her chin much lower which is what I would prefer in my advert. It is also quite dull, although this can be edited very easily so isn't really a problem.

2) The chin is lower in this image so I prefer it to the previous image. My model still looks powerful and her make up is still defined so this is why I like this image. It is slightly brighter than the previous one as well, but as I said it can be edited. If I were to use it I would crop it slightly so the bottom part of her dress isn't as visible. The giraffe print looks very effective in my opinion and really adds to the image and makes it eye catching because it looks very interesting.

3) This image is very similar to the previous one, the only subtle difference is that her mouth is slightly more relaxed, making it look less of a pout and a bit more serious. I like this, however it almost makes her a look a bit grumpy, rather than strong like I intended. Therefore I do think I prefer the previous one slightly more.

4) I think this image is my favourite because my models chin is in the prefect place. It appears brighter than the rest so wouldn't take as much editing and the make up looks very defined and just like the actual advert. The only slight issue I have with it, is the hair on the left hand side because in the original, there is no hair there, it is all behind her back. However, I could easily edit it out by using the cloning tool to make it disappear into the background. This way you would never tell it was there. Therefore, with this being edited out and a bit of brightening, I think this image would be perfect.

5) My models hair is in the right place on this image. However, her head is turned slightly too far, the angle is just slightly off. The make up looks very good still, like it does on all of them. I think this image seems very dull and not very sharp either. You can also see her finger nails on the underneath hand which doesn't look very professional, therefore even though the hair is correct, I don't think this is the best image.

6) This image is brighter than the previous one, and her hair is in the right place so I definitely prefer it. Her make up looks effective. However her head is still too far turned and the angle is wrong again. If this wasn't the case I would probably like this image the best, but this can't be edited so therefore I don't think it would work due to it looking too far from the original.

So therefore, overall my favourite image is number 4. This is because the make up and angle of my models chin is perfect. The hair is an issue that can easily be fixed, so I think this is the image I will use when I recreate the advert.

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